Renewable energy generation
MET R&D department for renewable energy mainly concentrates on activities related to Photovoltaic and solar thermal technologies. Highly skilled engineers are working on developing new products for various industries, based on the needs of the specific customers. This includes the development of non-standard solutions for buildings, off-grid and other systems.
Having great experience in new material technologies, MET R&D team is able to adopt the interdisciplinary knowledge and use it for industry-specific (PV, solar thermal) applications.
Working closely with Protechlab, MET R&D has a unique access to the PV laboratory, which enables to test the quality of developed products under various conditions and make necessary improvements along the development process.

Flexible solar modules
Solar modules that may be used for various applications where flexibility, lightweight and high performance of the PV system is a must.
High performance materials are used to produce these modules. This ensures the highest quality and performance of the modules throughout their life cycle.
Maximum power: 190 Wp/m²
Minimum weight: 3.5 kg/m²
Lightweight and shock-resistant
Novel PV modules
Two types – flat and concentrating – solar modules implemented utilising new sol-gel based technological solution.
Novel solution for lightweight flat PV module is the use of original extremely light and rigid honeycomb construction for backsheet.
Technology is now applied for production of new generation of our PV products: 1,2V batteries and tablets, modules for lighting systems control and automation of various systems; Cube Sat type PV modules for sattelite, etc.
Sol-gel based technology
Honeycomb structure

CPV modules
Prototypes of parabolic and Fresnel lenses based concentrator modules were modelled and implemented. Thermal cycling tests in the temperature range from -40oC to +85oC demonstrated stability of main parameters for the module – system efficiency and quality of the device optical surfaces.
Composite materials utilised for module production are significantly decreasing cost of concentrator production, leading to reduced cost per Wp for generated electricity comparing with flat pannels.
Novel concentrating modules are integrated on single-axis solar tracking system ensuring 17% higher output of power plant.
Stable in: -40oC to +85oC
17% higher power output
Low concentration PV module
Further development of concentrating modules led to innovative concept of innovative PV system components design implemented in prototype, allowing to reach higher efficiency of conversion with reduced consumption of the active material and consequently reduce cost of Wp generated.