Thermal energy storage
UAB “Modern E–Technologies” has long-lasting experience in R&D of thermal energy storage technologies and participation in various international projects, which enable us to deliver novel technologies to the thermal energy storage market. Our experience in the development and customization of waste heat recovery and thermal energy storage systems allows us to offer cost-effective and high-efficiency solutions for both industrial and residential applications.
Together with customized waste heat recovery solutions, we offer innovative phase change materials (PCMs) based thermal energy storage systems which is the step forward to zero-carbon emission in industrial and residential applications.

From design development to equipment manufacturing
We specialise in development, testing and manufacturing phase change materials (PCMs) based thermal energy storage systems. PCMs allow achieving a high storage density and such systems need much less volume than state-of-the-art technologies. Novel design of heat exchangers allows us to achieve high heat transfer and storage rates. Depending on the specific needs of the different industrial processes or buildings heating/cooling systems different types (organic, inorganic) and various melting temperatures of PCMs are used.
Industry applications
Commercial applications
Residential applications
Integration to existing industrial process
Implementation to existing heating / cooling systems of buildings
Latest thermal storage projects
Latest product and system of thermal storage with PCMs for heating and/or cooling development, testing and manufacturing. Projects are designed to meet specific needs for specific industry process needs and can be adjusted to meet residential thermal storage demands aswell.