SUNRISE – MultiSensor sorting tools in a circular economy approach for the efficient recycling of PVB interlayer material in high-quality prodUcts from laminated glass coNstRuction and demolItion waStEs

Call for proposal: H2020-LOW-CARBON-CIRCULAR-INDUSTRIES-2020;
Sub call: H2020-LCCI-2020-EASME-twostage
START/END: 1 June 2021/30 November 2024
TOPIC: CE-SC5-07-2020 – Raw materials innovation for the circular economy: sustainable processing, reuse, recycling and recovery schemes
EU CONTRIBUTION: 8.040.302,51 Euro; Total: 9 499 371,25 Euro

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 958243.

The main objective of the project SUNRISE is to demonstrate at European level within the current glass recycling business, the application of an advanced sorting platform based on an innovative multisensor tool able to provide information from PVB quality in laminated glass wastes, allowing the tailored mechanochemical treatment for purification of PVB by-product. This will enable the post-consume PVB recycling and reusing as interlayer film.

Laminated glass is obtained by bonding glass layers using a polymeric interlayer. Polyvinyl Butyral (PVB) is used as interlayer in laminated glass and their use in construction components is growing, therefore the end-of-life should be addressed. In EU, glass waste from Renovation and Demolition are quantified on 1.540.704 tons/year. The proper recycling of all building glass waste could avoid 925.000 tons of landfilled waste every year. Up to now, most of the post-consume PVB material in laminated glass is incinerated/landfilled, and only a 9 % is recycled in secondary uses. Recycling of PVB present several difficulties related with the contents of glass, humidity, mixing of compositions and polymer optical degradation which impede reusing as interlayer.

SUNRISE will demonstrate within the current glass recycling business the application of an innovative optical multi-sensor sorting tool based on industrial in-line techniques (Raman, IRS, Fluorescence and Optical Spectroscopy) and AI algorithms which will allow optimal classification of laminated glass according to composition and degradation. Therefore, allowing the tailored mechano-chemical treatment for purification which will enable the post-consume PVB recycling and reusing as interlayer film. In order to ensure the success, the project counts with glass recycling associations and companies and main actors in mechano-chemical treatment of PVB and optical in-line systems. Industrials partners will validate the suitability of the final products in a market environment. Other transdisciplinary aspects will be incorporated including modelling, health, safety and environmental issues, dissemination & exploitation and standardisation.

The success of SUNRISE will increase the European market in 360 million €/year by the proper collection and recycling of 1.250.352 tons/year of laminated glass, which will avoid PVB wastes of more than 125.000 tons, representing benefits at economic, environmental and social level.

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